Vintage Landscape Mural Wallpaper

Vintage Landscape Mural Wallpaper

A landscape mural wallpaper can bring an interesting, eye-catching element to any room. Whether you’re looking to spruce up an old space or create a beautiful, one-of-a-kind look in a brand new room, a vintage landscape wallpaper mural can be a great choice. The following tips and ideas will help you find the perfect vintage landscape wallpaper mural for your home.

Choose the Right Material

The material of the wallpaper mural you choose will have a significant impact on the look and feel of your room. Vinyl wallpapers are a great choice for rooms that require extra durability, while textile wallpapers can add a softer, more elegant feel. Consider the specific needs of the room, such as water resistance and light resistance, when selecting a material for your vintage landscape wallpaper mural.

Choose the Right Color

The colors of your mural wallpaper can have a major impact on the overall look of the room. For a more subtle, classic look, choose muted neutral colors, such as beige, tan, or cream. For a more vibrant, eye-catching look, opt for bold colors like red, blue, or yellow. Consider the existing colors in the room when choosing colors for your vintage landscape wallpaper mural.

Choose the Right Size

When selecting a wallpaper mural for your space, it’s important to choose the right size. Consider the size of the room and the distances between the walls to get an idea of how large your mural should be. Too large of a wallpaper mural can be overwhelming, while too small of a mural can look out of place in the room. Measure the walls of the room and take into account the size of the furniture before selecting the size of your vintage landscape wallpaper mural.

Consider the Layout

The layout of your vintage landscape wallpaper mural is just as important as the colors and size. While a traditional landscape mural can be used to create a peaceful, calming atmosphere, a more modern mural can add energy and excitement to a room. Consider the existing elements in the room and the overall design style when selecting a layout for your wallpaper mural.

Choose the Right Finish

The finish of your wallpaper mural can also make a big difference in the overall look of the room. A matte finish will give the room a softer, more subtle look, while a glossy finish can make the colors of the mural pop. Consider the existing elements in the room and the overall design style when choosing a finish for your vintage landscape wallpaper mural.

Mix and Match

Don’t be afraid to mix and match materials, colors, sizes, finishes, and layouts when creating your vintage landscape wallpaper mural. Consider combining different elements to create an interesting and unique look. For example, a matte finish landscape mural with bold colors and a modern layout can create a striking visual effect.

Hire a Professional

If you’re not sure how to create the perfect vintage landscape wallpaper mural for your space, it’s best to hire a professional. A professional can help you choose the right materials, colors, sizes, finishes, and layouts for your wallpaper mural. They can also help you install the mural and make sure it looks perfect in your space.


A vintage landscape wallpaper mural can be a great way to add an interesting, eye-catching element to any room. When selecting a mural, consider the material, color, size, layout, and finish of your wallpaper mural. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different elements to create a unique look. If you’re not sure how to create the perfect mural for your space, hire a professional for help.

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Vintage Monochrome Jouy Style Landscape Wallpaper Mural - Wallpaper • Wallmur®
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